The Backlog Quest

ADHD Gets in The Way of Reducing My Backlog

I have all the things that I want to do and as a result of my ADHD I struggle to stick to any one thing for long term. I will get hyper-focused on one thing and that is the one thing that I will work on. Then one day that focus will shift to something else and then all I want to do is that other thing and I have to force myself to work on what it was that I was doing.

Last year at the start of the year my focus was on reading and writing. I was doing the Ray Bradbury reading challenge and 1 million words in a year writing challenge. I could manage both at the start when I was excited about the challenges but once it got hard I dropped the reading challenge and was able to focus on my writing challenge and kept with my writing every weekday despite not wanting to keep writing every weekday.

The next thing I was hyper-focused on in 2023 was getting my twitch monetised. I managed to do that and then I did not do much streaming on twitch after that. I have social anxiety and sometimes its not an issue and I can talk to anyone and everyone. Other times I cannot talk to anyone at all. I feel like I did my best at streaming when I had covid and couldn’t talk because I lost my voice.

This year for 2024, I am trying to go back to focusing reducing my backlog and talking about my progress here on my blog and getting at least one of my YouTube channels active.

I currently have 3 YouTube channels.

The Backlog Quest – The original channel that I started. I am leaving most of my old videos up, post blogs, random videos that don’t fit on my other channels and multi-stream my livestreams from Twitch.

Fee The Writer Bee – My second channel that I started where I talk about writing. Its a mix of writing timers and some of my past livestreams and writing vlogs.

Backlog Quest – For my gaming videos. I started it under another name for gaming related videos. Then I changed the name and switched it to live streaming l. I changed the livestreams to the original channel since this one was copyright notifications from my Storyblocks music that I used in the background which is able to be used on the first two channels but not this one. So no more live streams and just switched it back to gaming related videos with a different name again.

As crazy as it is, I want to split out into more channels even though I know it’s not recommended. I want one channel for book reviews. One from tv shows and movies. And then a sci-fi related channel for the like of Stargate, Red Dwarf and Doctor Who and the other media relating to those, a anime/manga channel, a Christian book review and bible reading channel and one for narrating my stories. I know that I cannot do all that by my ADHD is convinced that I can run several channels and two blogs and a twitch and keep up with the writing, gaming, reading and show watching even though I could not do that for one channel and one blog.

My daily goal is to reduce a little of my Backlog every single workday and have breaks on weekends because I need those breaks.

My daily goals in the order I plan to tackle each task:

  • 1000 Words
  • 15 minutes Bible Reading
  • 30 Minutes gaming, edited and posted to gaming channel.
  • 1 episode of a TV show or 1 movie
  • Blog post
  • Work on book review and tv show review episodes. These are not getting posted, saving them at the moment while I decide if I really will put them on a different channel.
  • 30 minutes reading – This is the last thing I plan to do for the day, in bed

I still need to try and fit exercise into this list of everything that I want to do and go to bed at a reasonable time.