Dragon Ball Z, Fanfiction

Born to Be King

Summary: The unexpected death of the Ox King leads to changes for the Son family. (One-shot. Completed)

Fandom: Dragon Ball Z Characters: Gohan, Videl, Chi Chi, Ox King

Gohan was sitting in his classroom at school. It was the second lesson of the day, yet the teenager couldn’t concentrate on the class. He couldn’t even sleep through class like he normally did. He sat looking out the window, worried for his grandfather. The Ox King had caught the flu the week before and was having trouble shaking his illness. While he was sick, he’d been staying with the Son family instead of in his castle. Gohan could see that his mother was concerned for her father. It was unlike his grandfather to be sick more than a few days. Both he and his mother were worried while Goten was oblivious. The youngest member of the Son family was excited to have his grandfather staying with them even if he was not well.

A distinct beep was heard from the watch of the girl sitting next to Gohan. Videl stood already heading out of the classroom. The beep was an alert for a crime happening somewhere in the city that Videl would be assisting with. Happy for the distraction from his thoughts of his grandfather, he watched as the junior cop ran into one of the office ladies when she came through the door. The office lady fell to the floor.

“I’m sorry, Miss Demetrio,” Videl apologised, helping the young woman up.

“That’s quite alright, you may be able to help you … I mean me,” she said slightly dazed from not only being barrelled over by Videl but from her previous phone call. The phone call which had brought her to the classroom. “Is Mr Gohan Son here?”

“He is; up the back,” Videl pointed to Gohan who was gathering up his books.

“Would you like to see Gohan?” the teacher asked, she was used to having her classes interrupted with Videl’s police work. The sooner the disruption was taken care of, the sooner she could return to teaching.

“I would,” Miss Demetrio answered.

Gohan walked down slowly to the front of the class and out into the hallway with the office lady. He had a feeling that he wouldn’t be coming back for the remainder of the classes. He had already planned to follow Videl as Saiyaman, something that no longer was in his plans if she told him what he already suspected.

Videls curiosity got the best of her. Instead of rushing out for police work, she stayed standing outside the classroom hoping that whatever she’d been called to wasn’t urgent. Gohan and Miss Demetrio either didn’t notice she was there or if they did notice, they didn’t care.

“Gohan,” Miss Demetrio said in a quiet voice of concern. “We had a call from your mother …”

Gohan didn’t let her finish what she was going to say. “Grandpa, did she say if he’s alright?” Gohan panicked. That would be the only reason that his mother would call the school, right? Actually, there were several things but considering his grandfather’s current health that was the most likely.

“No he’s not. Your mother has asked that you come home as soon as possible,” she said, confirming Gohan’s fears.

“Gohan, do you need a lift home?” Videl asked.

“No thank you Videl, I’ll be able to get home on my own,” Gohan managed to squeak out. 

“No Gohan, I insist, you shouldn’t be driving while you are this distressed. I’ve never seen you like this before.

He knew that she meant well, but he would get home quicker on his own.

“Thank you for your kind offer,” he bowed to her and then was gone before she had a chance to follow him. 

Gohan tried to calm himself down. He had to be strong for his mother when he got home since she would only call him if things were bad. He looked down at the city below him noticing fire rising up from a building, knowing that had to be the job Videl just got called out for. Without a second thought, Gohan activated his watch. He had forgotten to activate it before he left the school. Now in costume he flew down to the city below and into the burning fire. 

He could sense five ki’s from the building all growing weaker. He first flew into the room with the strongest two ki’s and found a little girl hugging a dog and crying. Gently the young superhero picked up the dog and his young master. He threw his cape around over the pair to help protect them from the smoke. He flew to the next room where he could sense another ki; this one belonged to a bird that looked very close to death. Nursing the dog and the girl in one arm he ripped open the cage with his free hand and removed the bird. “Can you look after him for me?” He asked the girl who gently took him in her hands. With a task to do she stopped crying.

He made his way to the next floor, he could sense a ki that seemed to be making its way towards the balcony. Gohan watched as a cat jumped out the window and without thinking jumped after it. The cat, however, was fine and landed on all fours. Safely on the ground, the cat ran straight to a frantic man who calmed down once the cat was in his arms.

Since he was already out of the building, Gohan flew to the ground. He unwrapped his cape to reveal the girl and her dog.

“My baby!” a lady yelled. Gohan gave the young girl over to her mother. She reminded him of his own mother.

“And our dog as well.” The girl’s father smiled, taking the canine from him.

“Thank you for looking after the bird for me. You were really brave,” he said. Taking the bird back.

“Thank you, Mister, you’re my hero,” the girl said, kissing him on the cheek.

The parents thanked him multiple times before he was able to free himself to find the birds owner.

“Does anyone own a bird?” Gohan asked, holding the bird out gently with his free hand.

“Peaty.” A girl slightly older than Gohan shouted. “I can believe that you saved him.”

“I’m not sure if I saved him miss, there was a lot of smoke and birds aren’t as hardy as other animals.” Seeing the bird close to death saddened the young hero.

“Whether Peaty lives through this or not, I thank you Saiyaman; for attempting to save him no matter how small he is,” the girl said through happy tears, giving Gohan a peck on the cheek.

Everyone cheered as a firefighter came out with a young man, sensing the building again Gohan could tell that there was nothing else living in there, be it human or pets.

“Is that everyone, officer?” Gohan asked in his superhero voice. If there were deceased in the building, he would help recover them for the families sake.

“We believe so Saiyaman,” the officer replied. “Everyone who lives here is now accounted for.”

“In that case, I’ll be off.” He flew into the distance and heard shouted requests for him to help put out the blaze and help with the clean up afterwards. Typically he would help, today he didn’t have time. He’d already wasted too much as it was. He had to get home as soon as possible.

Videl arrived just as some girl kissed Saiyaman on the cheek. He had outdone her again! Not only did he arrive first; he saved a little girl as well as a dozen animals, at least, that was how the witnesses were reporting it. Saiyaman had the better deal when it came to crime fighting. 

  1. He had powers.
  2. He didn’t seem to get hurt often.
  3. And most importantly, he didn’t have the paperwork that went with it like she did.

Hoping the cops hadn’t noticed her, Videl made her way back to school. There was no way that she was going to do paperwork without doing the real work first. She told the chief that Saiyaman had got there first and that she was returning to school.

“Videl, do you know where Gohan is? He generally comes back when you do.” The blond girl asked when after ten minutes Gohan still hadn’t returned.

“He went home after he spoke to the office lady. His grandfathers sick, and he was asked by his mother to come home as soon as possible,” Videl explained.

“I hope his grandpa is okay,” Erasa stated sincerely.

Videls thoughts were back on Gohan, she hoped as well that her friend would be okay. She really should have insisted on going with him. She didn’t have his contact phone number to call to make sure he got home safely. She could not ask Erasa for his number, she’d make assumptions that simply were not true.

Gohan didn’t bother with going through the front door. He flew straight into the window on the second floor that his grandfather had been staying in. He usually was scolded for flying through windows, but not this time. His mother was crying. His grandfather, he couldn’t sense his grandfather’s ki, the older man was to still for the Gohan’s liking.

 “Grandpa, no he’s … this isn’t possible, he only had the flu,” Gohan stuttered. Taking his grandfather’s hand, feeling that is was already cold.

“Gohan, my baby. You’re home at last.” Chi Chi screamed and grabbed her oldest son in a bear hug. “My daddy’s gone, and there was nothing I could do! It’s all my fault! I should have taken him to a hospital.” She sobbed into his shoulder, and Gohan cried with her, blaming himself just as much as his mother blamed herself. They should have done more. He had to remind himself that a little girl, her dog and maybe Peaty the bird were still alive because he did go to school. His grandfather would have put their lives ahead of his own.

It was hours later, and everyone in the Son family had red puffy eyes and streaks of tears down their face. Gohan was up in his room looking out the window, holding a textbook which he’d tried to use to distract himself; which had only succeeded in making the book soggy with his tears. Gohan’s mobile phone rung, in a zombie-like mode he picked up the ringing device.

“Gohan, is your grandpa alright?” The voice on the other end of the phone asked.

“Videl?” Gohan managed to whisper out. He was amazed at how croaky his voice sounded when he said her name.

“Yes, it’s Videl. I got your phone number from the student directory. Did you get home safely? Is everything alright with your grandpa?

“He’s gone, I was too late. He was already gone when I got back. I should have been faster travelling home. No, I shouldn’t have gone to school today. Then I would’ve been able to spend a few more moments with him.” He continued rambling on about what he should have done differently.

Videl was not sure what she should be doing, Gohan was crying on the other end of the phone. She’d never heard him cry before and worse, it sounded like his grandfather died before he was able to get home. Her kind classmate was blaming himself for not getting there in time to not finding a cure or realising that he was that sick. She didn’t know what to do so she just sat there listening while Gohan got it all of his chest.

“I’m sorry about your grandpa. I’ll let Erasa and Sharpener know at school tomorrow if that’s okay with you.”

“Sure Videl, thanks for listening.” Gohan managed a smile as he hung up the phone. He felt a lot better after talking to Videl, he turned to see his little brother standing at the door.

“Gohan, can I sleep with you tonight?” The younger boy asked, his eyes red, tears and snot streaking down his face.

“Sure,” Gohan smiled as his brother ran and gave him a hug and started sobbing.

“Mummy said that we can’t use the Dragon Balls to wish grandpa back.” The young boy cried, looking at him with so much hope. He wished that he could tell his little brother their mum was wrong.

“No, we can’t. Grandpa died of natural causes, he can’t come back.” It hurt for Gohan to say that. They couldn’t change anything.

“But why can’t the dragon bring back people that die of natural causes?” Goten cried. “I want my grandpa!”

Gohan just held his brother till he cried himself to sleep, before leaving the younger boy curled up on his bed. Gohan made his way downstairs, a capsule on the table which contained his grandfather’s corpse.

“Gohan, are you hungry?” Chi Chi asked her oldest as he stood in the doorway.

“Not really,” Gohan replied, making a move to sit next to his mother. “What happens now?”

His mother knew what he meant without asking the full question.

“I’m going to have to return to the Ox Kingdom and let everyone know what happened.” Chi Chi answered. “Someone is going to have to take over as ruler of the Ox Kingdom.”

“Who was next in line for the throne?” Gohan asked. He really didn’t know if the Kingdom followed a lineage of eldest to eldest or if it followed male succession. Either way, he or his mother would end up ruling the country.

“I was supposed to be next in line, I stood down from my responsibilities a long time ago, when I had you. I’m not sure if I’m still in line for the throne or if you are.” Chi Chi responded.

Why hadn’t he taken the time to learn more about his grandfather’s family? He knew that one day he would be King. Why hadn’t he prepared? He prepared for everything else. Preparing to be King would have been preparing for his grandfather’s death and possibly the death of his mother, depending on how succession went. Something he hated thinking about. Something that had now caught him off guard.

Bulma had chosen Gohan’s costume well for Saiyaman. It was a tradition for the Ox family to wear a costume of some sort and a helmet. His mother was wearing a helmet which looked like it had a fin on top, a white cape with a purple dress. Looking at older photos of his mother, he was glad that she was wearing a dress since it seemed like when she was younger, she wore a bikini with the cape and helmet instead.

“So we just go out there and announce to the world that grandpa is dead?” Gohan managed to squeak out. He didn’t want to do this. He didn’t want to tell the world that his grandfather was dead. He would be revealing his identity as well, tying Saiyaman to the Ox Kingdom and from there, it was not hard to work out that Saiyaman and Gohan were the same person.

“Pretty much,” Chi Chi answered fussing over her sons Saiyaman costume. Wiping away imaginary dust and fluff. She’s already removed everything that was legitimately on his costume over an hour ago.

“Princess Chi Chi, may I interrupt?” A butler by the name of Renji asked. He had worked for the family for many years.

“Of course,” Chi Chi replied. His mother stopped fussing over his costume, turning to face Renji.

“This is Miss Videl Satan. She has been hired by the Palace for your protection.” Renji introduced the last girl Gohan expected to be at his grandfather’s house.

Videl couldn’t believe it, she gets a job to protect the Ox Kings family and who does she find already there Saiyaman! She didn’t want this job if it required working alongside Saiyaman to protect the royal family.

“I’m quite capable of looking after myself. I don’t need this child looking after me!” Chi Chi snapped.

“Who are you calling a child, old lady!” Videl snapped back, covering her mouth hastily. She couldn’t believe that she had just called the Ox Princess, an old lady. That was no way to talk to clients she had been hired to protect, even if they were rude.

“What about your son?” Renji asked he didn’t seem to keep up with the media so wasn’t aware the Ox Prince was also known as Saiyaman to the public.

“I think I can look after myself,” Gohan replied. Not believing that Renji had suggested Videl, the girl he was always rescuing from danger should be protecting him.

“You’re the Ox Prince?” Videl was in shock. The young Ox Prince was nervous because he knew it wouldn’t be long until everyone found out that Gohan Son, Saiyaman and the Ox Prince were, all the same, person. Heck, he didn’t even know he was known in the Kingdom as the Ox Prince until recently. “Saiyaman is the Ox Prince?”

“Y-ye-es,” Gohan replied. He knew that Videl would work it out very soon who he really was especially since he hadn’t used his superhero voice once since she had been there. “Mum, this is Videl-“ he didn’t get to finish what he was going to say.

“Renji, may you please leave now. Miss Videl can stay,” Chi Chi said, sounding just a little bit sinister. Chi Chi turned her attention to Videl once Renji was gone. “Now who are you, and why do you want to protect us?” 

“Because the police from your Kingdom suspect foul play with your father’s death and want to protect you from whoever hurt your father. Plus it’s my job to protect people. Do you really not know who I am?” Videl replied.

“My father died of natural causes. There was no foul play involved at all. I was with him when he passed away.” Chi Chi replied with a cold tone. “And I don’t believe that the police would send a little girl to protect people.”

“Little Girl! Look, Ox Princess, I am not a little girl. You should know who I am. Everybody else does,” Videl snapped.

“Should I?” Chi Chi snapped. 

“Mum, this is Videl, who I go to school with. She is Mr Hercule Satans daughter.” Gohan said before the arguing could continue. He was about to reveal his real identity in a few minutes to the whole world, so he thought he may as well get Videl out the way now since she was already here. Besides, she might come out onto the balcony when the announcement was being made and who knows what she would do. The thing he did know was, she would be angry if he didn’t tell her himself.

Videl stood in shock, Saiyaman just said that he went to school with her. But she still had no idea who he could possibly be. Unless he was the boy at school whose, grandfather had died that week. Like the Ox King, had died this week. That didn’t make sense there was no way that Saiyaman could be-

“Gohan?” Videl stuttered.

Saiyaman just nodded his head.

A maid had entered the room while everyone was standing in silence. “Princess Chi Chi, Master Gohan, the press conference is about to start.”

The maid also confirming that Gohan was, in fact, Saiyaman and the Ox Prince which made Gohan even more glad that he’d chosen to speak up when he did.

“Thank you, Miruku,” Chi Chi replied.

Videl stood in silence as she watched Chi Chi fuss over Saiyaman, Gohan again.

“Now Gohan, do you remember what you have to say?” Chi Chi asked her son in a motherly tone.

“I do,” Gohan gulped, he hated the idea of public speaking.

“Videl, can you make sure no one comes through this door?” Gohan asked he knew that if he didn’t say anything, his mother would kick her out and then he would have to deal with an annoyed Videl next time he spoke to her. “Thank you for listening,” he said so his mother couldn’t hear.

“May I introduce Princess Chi Chi and her son Prince Gohan.” The spokesperson for the Palace said as Gohan and Chi Chi walked onto the balcony.

A lot of gasps were heard. Not many people were aware of the fact that Princess Chi Chi son was already a grown man and the superhero Saiyaman. This had many wondering how she had managed to keep her eldest son a secret. They were also wondering why the connection between Saiyaman and the Ox Kingdom wasn’t made sooner within the Kingdom.

Sitting in front of a TV in Satan City where Erasa and Sharpener whom Gohan went to school with. They were only watching the broadcast because they knew that Videl had been sent to protect the royal family.

“There is no way that could be nerd boy? Is there?” Sharpener asked.

“I always joked that he was a prince charming and Saiyaman. I never thought I was correct. Who would’ve thought our nerdy little friend was a hero and a prince.” Erasa replied. “Do you think he will still go to school with us? Do you think he will marry me? I always wanted to be a princess and live in a castle. I liked him before I knew he was a prince. Do you think he will let us visit the castle?”

Sharpener shrugged.

“Poor kid, he never liked publicity,” Yamcha stated to his friends from his years of playing baseball. 

“Yamcha, is Chi Chi, the bossy little princess girl who married Goku?” A blue haired woman by the name of Launch asked him.

“She is,” Yamcha replied.

“You knew the Ox Princess?” One of the members of his old team asked him. 

“I actually asked her to marry me,” Yamcha laughed at the memory. He had thought that Chi Chi was going to kill him, so he had asked her to marry him. “Back in the day when I was still a Desert Bandit.”

The other’s started laughing as he told the story of how he’d met Chi Chi.

Gohan looked at the crowd of people and with his Saiyan hearing could make out the occasional comment about the Ox Prince being Saiyaman and other whispers wondering where the Ox King was.

Gohan took a deep breath before he started his announcement. “I Son Gohan, prince of the Ox Kingdom and my mother Princess Chi Chi, are here today to inform you that two o’clock Wednesday afternoon my Grandfather the Ox King, passed away due to illness.” Gohan paused as he let his words sink in for the crowd. It seemed surreal; his mother had broken down crying, which was why she was unable to give the speech herself. Every time she practised, she would break down in tears. Goten was currently at Capsule Corporation with Bulma and Trunks watching the broadcast on TV. 

After Gohan had finished speaking the spokesperson from the Palace informed the public that the coronation of the new ruler would take place after soon after the public funeral. The spokesperson never announced who the new ruler was going to be. They were currently working out who would take over from the Ox King due to Chi Chi having stepped down years before. 

“Are my mum and big brother really a princess and a prince?” Goten asked.

Bulma looked away from the broadcast. “They are indeed, and you’re a prince as well.”

“How come I didn’t know?” Goten asked.

“Your big brother didn’t know when he was your age. You mum told him when he was a teenager,” Bulma answered. “You’re mum wanted you and Gohan to have lives as normal as possible which didn’t happen as she planned for.”

Gohan collapsed once he was back inside and away from the media and broke down in a fresh stream of tears. His grandfather was indeed gone. It hadn’t felt real before, but it felt real now. He was never going to see his grandfather in this life again.

“Do you need me to get you anything?” Videl asked Chi Chi and Gohan.

Gohan shook his head no while his mother requested a glass of water.

It had been decided that Gohan would be the one that would take over from his grandfather and he would need to start preparing for his coronation and his duties once he became King. All the preparation had to be done around school since Chi Chi wasn’t going to let him leave.

“You’re going to need your high school diploma.” Chi Chi argued with her son.

“But mum, all the kids at school are going to pay attention to me,” Gohan complained. “Can’t you homeschool me again?” Gohan begged.

“No, you are going to high school whether you like it or not mister,” Chi Chi scolded her son.

Gohan grumbled about the fact that he would still have to go to school. Even though he loved learning new things, he hated going to school. It was too easy and boring, and he wasn’t learning anything new.

He smiled, him fighting with him mum without either one of them breaking down into tears felt so normal and relaxing. His mother took that smile as defeat, and maybe it was.

He got stares when he did return back to school a week later. Everyone was whispering about what they’d seen on TV. He walked to the back of the classroom, where Sharpener and Erasa were already sitting. He was most nervous about how his friends were going to react.

“Hi Gohan,” Erasa greeted him with her cheery voice and clung to his arm like normal. Sharpener’s greeting was also typical. “We saw the broadcast on TV. We’re sorry about your grandpa. Are you alright?”

“Thank you. I will be,” he replied, taking his seat next to his friends.

He was happy that his friends were still treating him the same as before. Videl was treating him slightly different than before. That was more to do with she didn’t know how to deal with knowing his Saiyaman identity and struggling with seeing Saiyaman and Gohan as one person since she had dealt with Saiyaman as a separate person for so long. He was still expecting an eventual grilling from her once things had settled down, and his grandfather’s death wasn’t so fresh.

Everyone else in the class treated him very differently. Worst of all, even the teacher was different around him. He had people that had never given him the time of day before trying to suck up to him. Thankfully, Sharpener and Erasa both had years of experience with Videl that they were able to weed out those people who meant him harm. He was grateful for his three friends.

“So how come you never told us you were a prince.” Erasa playfully asked him during the lunch break.

“Yeah, it would’ve made Videl less suspicious if she knew you also came from a famous background.” Sharpener laughed.

“I didn’t know I was a prince until the other day,” he replied sadly. “When I was a kid, I thought my grandfathers’ title was just a martial arts fighting name. When I realised he was a real king, even though I knew one day I would be King, it never registered that I am a prince.”

Sharpener laughed hard. “So oblivious. Didn’t you read the history books for class? Your grandfathers mentioned several times. Your mothers even mentioned directly as the Ox Princess.”

They all turned when they were blinded by a flash. Videl was the first one to react, pulling a camera out of the photographs hand and smashing the camera to the ground.

“You aren’t allowed on school property,” The Satan heiress yelled.

“We’re not allowed on school property to take photos of you, there is nothing against us taking photos of young Prince Gohan.”

“You’ll find that my mother’s rather strict when it comes to taking photos of me without permission,” Gohan told the photographer. This was why he didn’t want the credit from the Cell Games. He hated publicity as did his mother.

Unfortunately, it was the first of many incidents with the media. They only got more cunning the closer the funeral and coronation came. 

The private funeral was held with close friends, family and staff of the Palace. Gohan looked around at the people he knew all his life. The people who truly knew his grandfather and not just his title. He squeezed his mother’s hand as she gave the eulogy. His mother and grandfather have always been close, they had only grown closer after her own mother, had passed away when she was a young child. Chi Chi cried and sobbed during the whole eulogy, everyone was silent and understanding at her tears. Everyone here knew how much losing her father meant to Chi Chi, it meant more to her than losing his dad, Goku, which was saying something considering how fiercely Chi Chi loved her husband.

Once his mother had finished her eulogy, friends and family came up to them speaking kind words. Goten and the other children looking lost. This was the first time any of them had been faced with actual irreversible death.

“Gohan, your grandfather, was a great man and king,” Krillen told him. “He lost his way for a while, but found it again and was a better person as a result. I know you will make him proud, that you will be a King that the people will look up to, that the Kingdom will continue to prosper under your rule. Besides you’re the smartest strongest kid I know.”

“Thank you, Krillen.” Gohan smiled. His father’s friend always knew how to make him smile.

“Now you just need to find the perfect woman to be your Queen.” Krillen teased.

Gohan sighed, and Chi Chi perked up at the mention of a wife for her son.

“I already have someone in mind.” Chi Chi grinned. Telling everyone about the boisterous girl the police chief from the city had sent out to ‘protect’ them. And Bulma had a lot to add since she’d seen the news reports with himself and Videl saving the city. Gohan groaned as the teasing started, but managed a smile seeing how happy his mother was. They’d always miss his grandfather, but he wouldn’t want them to mourn him forever.

He looked up at the clouds. “I’ll make you proud grandpa, after all, this is a job I was born to do.”

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Books, The Backlog Quest

Breaking Down an Overwhelming Reading Choice

I have many many books in my collection, both physical and digital. When it comes to my physical collection, far more of my books are unread than read. I want to change that without unhauling unread books. My Kindle and Audible books I have read or listened to about half of what is in my digital library.

There was once a time when I had read every single book that I owned, some of my books multiple times. I was a frequent visitor to the library, borrowing out dozens of books every week. Now I am lucky if I finish a book at all in a week. What happened? I grew up. I started working full time. I had other commitments after work that took priority. A lot of my free time that was previously reading time got taken over by writing my own stories. Earning an income, I now had money I was able to budget towards books. I would buy a book or two every week. When you are buying a book here and there but don’t have time to read them, those books build up. I now have over four hundred books that I have not read not counting my mum and grandfathers books I now have on top of that.

I was getting overwhelmed while trying to choose what books to read from my reading list. I don’t want to cull any of my books because I picked them all for a reason. I want to read all the books I own. Who knows, there may be a hidden GEM in my collection of random books I picked up on a whim that will become a new favourite.

I like reading multiple books at a time. So when I was working out how to choose which books to read next, I have broken up my reading list. I try to read one physical fiction book, one fiction ebook, one nonfiction book. My nonfiction book does not matter if it is physical or ebook format. Last but not least, one audiobook.

Finding the time to listen to audiobooks is easy, I do that on the way to and from work, while I am cleaning, mowing or any other task that allows background noise. I went and removed the music from my phone so I wasn’t tempted to only listen to music while driving. Majority of the books that I finished last year were audiobook, and that is the same for this year so far as well.
For my ebooks, I purchased myself a new Kindle Oasis to replace my old Kindle Keyboard that was starting to have issues. I need something that was easier on my eyes than reading off a phone screen which leaves me with migraines and eyestrain. I only have issues with eyestrain with the Kindle if I have been reading for hours and hours on end. I didn’t realise when I was upgrading my Kindle that the Kindles now have a backlight. I can now read with the lights turned off which I have found useful when I have wanted to read while staying with friends and wanting to read in the middle of the night but not wake anyone up, without having to resort to reading from my phone like I was doing previously. The other thing I like is the fact that the Kindle Oasis is water resistant. Most of my time reading off my new Kindle had been reading in the bath. Despite being water resistant, I still don’t trust having electronics around water, so it is in a ziplock bag while I am reading in the bath. I don’t read in the bath so much in winter, but during summer on a stinking hot day, it is nice to have a long soak and read without the worry of accidentally ruining a book.

With my nonfiction choices, it is a case of whatever subject takes my fancy at the time. I don’t always have a nonfiction book on the go since these are mood reads more than anything else.

With my physical fiction books, I could have easily started with reading my books shortest to longest to get more books to my read pile, instead I choose to read A Song of Ice and Fire series first and then after that series is completed I will decide from there what I am going to read next. I try to read a couple of chapters before I go to bed each night, just reading until I feel myself starting to drop off. I am reading nowhere near as much as I used to before bed. Sometimes I am lucky if I even finish one chapter.

As of 27th May 2020, my reading list is:
Physical Fiction: A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin
ebook Fiction: Second Daughter by Susan Kaye Quinn
Audiobook: The Restaurant at the End of The Universe by Douglas Adams Narrated by Martin Freeman
Nonfiction: Fixing Abraham by Chris Tiegreen

Reading List 27/5/2020
Other Hobbies

I knew I wanted to do something online

I have wanted to do something online for a while. That thing online was not a blog. My reason for not wanting a blog is because I have always been self-conscious about my inability to see simple spelling and grammar mistakes despite my best efforts.

I didn’t want to do a blog at first because I have learning problems that relate to English. I cannot remember if it is dysgraphia or dyspraxia or if I have both. I usually tell anyone that asks that I have dyslexia because everyone understands what dyslexia is without having to explain much. I have very poor spelling; I do not understand grammar and have certain words that I cannot tell the difference between when they are on paper. My learning problems don’t just affect my written work they also affect my balance and motor skills. I was self-conscious at first about writing a blog because I know there are going to be spelling and grammar issues. I am still self-conscious about those issues so I have spent far too much time fretting about even making my blog live in the first place and will probably end up fretting over every single post I share.

I wanted to share something online despite my issues with English and my self-consciousness about everything I do. I have been sharing fanfiction for years. While sharing my fanfiction has helped my self confidence with being able to share my work online at all, I also go through slumps when I think I have finally managed to catch all the obvious spelling and grammar errors only to have even more pointed out to me after I post. Those missed mistakes send the confidence nose diving. Since I decided I was not going to do a blog, three years ago, I started researching and learning everything I could about YouTube and Twitch. Twitch is the platform that interested me the most since I felt that talking live to others would be the fastest way to build my confidence. I did attempt to do some live streams through Twitch. Even with everything set to the lowest settings and playing side scrolling platformers, my internet spent the entire time buffering and lost most of my streams. I am not able to get faster internet unless I move house, something I don’t plan to do anytime soon since I own my house and like the area I live. I just hope that the internet infrastructure will be improved in the area I live in eventually and that I can then do something live like I have always wanted.

Despite deciding I wasn’t able to do Twitch I still watched every video I could about how to do Twitch along with how to do YouTube. I researched for a long time and purchased a few items for the channel that I planned. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. It ended up being a bigger learning curve then I thought to start YouTube, and I still have not got myself to the point where I am able to film and upload videos regularly.

With choosing to do YouTube I found myself having to relearn how to use Photoshop. Something I used to do for fun and I had to relearn how to edit videos. I thought I could pick up where I left off, but that was not the case. Everything I used to know was gone. I had to relearn from scratch. It was not like riding a bike. I couldn’t just pick up from where I left off and go.

The hardest thing has been recording the audio. I have recorded audio for many videos that I have not ended up sharing because I have said sentences in the wrong order or not said certain words at all. I tried to do audio for this blog post, but it didn’t quite match what I had typed out once I was done. If I read off a script I still have the same problems along with the issue of being able to tell that I was reading off paper because there is no life in my voice and I pick up the sound of the paper crinkling in the background. I am just not happy with the quality of audio I am producing at the moment. It is something I have to push myself to keep recording and keep practising because it is something that will improve with practice. A few videos have got to sharing point, and even those I was willing to post I consider terrible. I have been in none of the videos I have shared, using still images for most of my shared videos. I don’t want to be on camera, and I still need to improve my editing skills and my photo taking skills and recording skills in general. There is so much that I still have to learn and so little time to learn while keeping up with full time work, housework, yard work, seeing friends and family and my hobbies. Finding the time to learn everything has been more difficult then I assumed when I decided I was going to do something online. I didn’t expect that doing YouTube would be easy which is why I spent so much time researching. It was still harder then I assumed.

I don’t plan to give up on either of my YouTube channels. I will keep chipping away, and I will improve over time. Like I have kept chipping away at my writing daily, the hobby that I consider the most important of all my hobbies.

My main reason I decided to blog is that this side of the internet is not hard. I did not have to research on how to make a website or how to write my blog posts. I was writing out all my scripts for my channel and have more scripts written out then videos recorded, more than I have time to record. At my current skill level when it comes to recording and editing I don’t think I will be complete my recording of backlog videos anytime soon. Writing what I want to say is easies then actually saying it and sounding confident while saying it is hard. Putting my videos together has needed relearning and that relearning has been slow. I found writing down all my troubles that I have had so far is helping. I want to make progress with something online so I am going to start with this blog and attempt to post on a regular basis.

I look at other people doing YouTube and Twitch, and I think to myself, I can do this. I know that I can do this. But it has been hard to get myself to keep going after I have started. I have started a blog and YouTuber to build up my confidence. I know that I can do this.

The Backlog Quest

January 2019 Additions to my Backlog

Today I will be talking about what I added to my backlog in January.

My first purchase for the year was Pokemon Blue. The last of the Gameboy Pokemon games that I needed to complete the Gameboy portion of my collection. I still need to get the most recent DS games, and I am still deciding if I will add the Pokemon Let’s Go Games to my Pokemon collection.

The next purchase for the month was the Song of Ice and Fire series. I went to the bookshop looking for something else they didn’t have, and this set was on sale. I have the first two books from the series already, so two of them don’t count as adding to my backlog. I purchased this set because it was cheaper to get the first two book again then it was to buy the other five books separately.

You won’t be seeing me read the Song of Fire and Ice books anytime soon. I am waiting for Game of Thrones to finish airing so I can fully separate the two. I want the full enjoyment of the TV series without looking at the books and comparing the two.

The next item I purchased I had previously listened to on Audiobook, and it was something that I felt that I needed to reference in paperback. It was only when I got home that I realised I had purchased the wrong book. I purchased Barefoot investor for Families when I was trying to purchase The Barefoot Investor, which I went back and purchased a few days later. I completed these books during January and have a video posted with my thoughts on these two books.

Over Christmas, I read Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake, and after completing book one, I wanted to jump right into book two so attempted to track down a physical copy. Everywhere I went they were sold out, so in the end, I purchased One Dark Throne on Kindle. The third book I didn’t have the same problem with I was able to pick up Two Dark Reigns easily enough.

I had originally planned for this video to come out last weekend. However, the DVD’s I am about to talk about hadn’t arrived. If the DVDs hadn’t arrived this week, I was just going to add them to my February video.

The following of what I ordered is all anime. I like to keep an eye out for Madman sales, and during January they had some very nice reductions.

I got eight volumes of One Piece, volumes 29 – 36

Volume 25 of Bleach. I am going to have to remember I don’t have volume 24, that it is not misplaced. The Bleach individual volumes look to be out of print now otherwise I would of picked up that volume as well.

Code Geass Akito the Exiled Episode V To Beloved Ones. I’ve been waiting for this volume to drop in price. Now I have all of them I’ll be able to watch. I’ll probably follow it up with a re-watch of Code Geass as either a refresher or to wipe this out of my mind if it ends up being something I don’t like.

The final Item I added is the series Rin-ne Season 1 and Season 2. Only season 2 is in my backlog. I watched season 1 on Crunchyroll when it was airing. I would of brought this series blind even if I hadn’t seen it since the manga author is Rumiko Takahashi who wrote Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2 two series that I have and love.

While I added 12 DVD volumes to my collection, most of these are pre-existing series I already have and would be added to as I got up to so this is only 1 TV series added to my backlog this month. One game and nine books.

I didn’t stay ahead of my collection this month adding the same amount of series as I completed. And adding more books then what I read for the month of January. And I added a game but didn’t complete a game.

Books, The Backlog Quest

Booktube Newbie Tag 2019

While my youtube channels The Backlog Quest isn’t just booktube. Majority of what I plan to be covering on my channel is books at least judging by what I completed in January and what I’ve already started for this month. Despite having a mixed channel, I thought that it was still appropriate to try this tag out for myself.

Why did you start this channel?
I started my channel because I want to talk about what I love. I just didn’t know what to talk at first since I love a lot of different things. I first considered doing a gamer channel since I’ve always loved video games. Then I considered doing an anime and manga channel as a way to encourage myself to watch anime on a regular basis like I did in the past.

I didn’t want to lock myself into those channels. With gaming when work gets too busy, I don’t have the energy to play games. And with anime and manga, while I love it, I haven’t watched anything on a regular basis since 2012, and if I go through a stint of disinterest again, I will have nothing to say.

The other thing I have always loved is reading, so I considered talking about books on my channel. I’ve always loved reading even if my pace of reading has slowed to what it used to be.

While I had watched a lot of channels about games and film I had not watched a whole lot on books, so I looked it up to see if it was even viable to talk about books on youtube. And I found the booktube community, a community I didn’t even know existed till I decided to start my channel.

I’ve been planning a youtube channel for a long while now. At the end of 2017, I went and counted all my books that I own and have never read and that number of unread books was far higher then I liked. If I read one book every day for the next year, I would still have books in my backlog left over.

While I was already counting books, I also counted my video games and DVD collection. Everything I had never looked at was far too much for my liking, and it is all videos I eventually want to watch, games I eventually want to play and books I eventually want to read. Buying a couple of items here and there build up after several years. This was also to encourage myself to buy less books. It didn’t work.

After much thinking and research that said a mixed channel wasn’t the most viable option, I decided that I was going to do a mixed channel anyway where I tackled my entertainment backlog and talking about completing items from my collection which doubles as a way to keep myself accountable. If one of the items doesn’t work out, I can always drop that section next year or even separate everything onto different channels. I’ll see how everything goes for a year before I decide what direction I am going to take this channel.

I named the Channel The Backlog Quest because it is going to be a quest to reduce my backlog. I want to get back to the point that I can buy and read a book without feeling guilty because of how much I already own and have never read.

What are some fun and unique things you can bring to Booktube?
The first unique thing is you won’t see me on camera. I don’t like being on camera or having my photos taken. I do want to have more video’s on my channel eventually, just without me in them. I trialled filming a book tour of my backlog books when I was still practising. My hands shake too much. For now, I will only have still photos and revisit videos in the future. I haven’t seen any other booktube channel without the person on camera. If you know any, I would love to check them out.

The second unique thing about my channel is because I plan to reduce my to be read pile I don’t plan on having too many books in my hauls, and I don’t plan to read to many newer releases.

I don’t want to add to my unread pile at a faster pace then I can read it. I will be adding to series I only partly have and authors I have been following for years.

If something peaks my attention when I am looking through the book stores and kindle, I usually end up buying them. This is something I am trying to reduce doing. I ended up with a big backlog in the first place from still buying a couple of books here and there while I wasn’t reading as often.

What are you most excited for about this new channel?
It’s all exciting. Building up my confidence is exciting me the most, which has already improved a lot. I first started trying to record videos in January 2018, which is a year ago now. I stuttered over every single word. I still have a long way to go. At the moment, I found that I have been talking too fast, so I have been working on slowing down my pace down while still sounding confident. As soon as a slow down, I don’t feel I sound as confident.

Why do you love reading?
With fiction, I love stories and how I can get drawn into the world. I sometimes get drawn in enough it feels like I am actually there. With non-fiction, I love learning new things from books, find out other peoples experiences, how they lived there own lives.

What book or series got you into reading?
I don’t have a book or series that got me into reading. I just loved books as far back as I can remember. I grew up around lots of books. There are big readers on both sides of the family.

My grandfather, who passed away before I was born collected books, and my mum had part of his book collection. I always wanted my own book collection just like his. I wanted a library in my house. And having a library in your own house means reading the books in it, not just collecting them for the sake of having lots of books.

What questions would you ask your favourite booktubers?
Can we hang out and talk about books in person?

What challenges do you think starting a booktube channel will be the hardest to overcome?
What I am finding the hardest is finding the time and energy to record and edit around work. I don’t have a lot of energy after work and the weekends aren’t always free. So it has been challenging getting videos together.

When did you start reading?
I’ve always loved reading. When I was young one of my parents would read to me every night, and I loved having stories read to me.

I couldn’t read till I was about ten due to learning problems I have that relate to English which really frustrated me because I wanted to read all the books and write my own stories and it was a struggle to learn to read. It was a struggle to try and catch up to my own age group, and I still struggle with English.

When I could read myself, I would read every night and often had my mum come in and take my book off me and turn off the lights because I would lose track of time and not sleep. Reading daily, unfortunately, stopped when I started work.

Where do you read?
Feels like I read everywhere. I used to do my most reading during travel to school on the bus and on the train when I used to live in the city. I started reading my first e-books on a PDA when I was travelling by train so I didn’t have to take as much with me when I would studying or was at work. I no longer live in the city, and there is no public transport, so I have to drive everywhere so during my drive I listen to audiobooks in the car so I still have a form of my travel reading time.

What kind of books do you like to read?
I like reading a bit of everything. I mostly read Young Adult fantasy and young adult science fiction. I will also read classics, adults fiction, autobiography’s, non-fiction. Just whatever piques my interest which is almost everything does. Most of what I read is young adult. The young adult books just catch my interest more often.

So that’s the tag finished. If there are any other interesting tags that you think I should try out, let me know. I got a bit overwhelmed when I was looking them.

TV Shows and Movies

Young Dracula, first completed TV show of 2019

My first item completed in 2019 is Young Dracula, a children’s program about Vlad Dracula who would rather be human than a vampire and how he is trying to live a normal life despite his unnatural life. However that’s near impossible when you’re the son of Count Dracula.

I will be going into spoiler territory as I discussed this series. So if you haven’t seen Young Dracula and don’t want any spoilers this is your chance to leave.

The is a series that I’ve seemed part way through when it was on TV. I knew before I started my re-watch that I had seen series one all the way through, what did surprise me is that I haven’t seen any of the second series and that I had seen all of series three and only parts of series four and five. Young Dracula feels like two different shows. The entire series covers Vlad, his sister Ingrid and their father Count Dracula. The first two series have a different feel then that last two series. The first two series are light airy coming into vampire powers a little bit comedyish. And the later series have a darker tone to them.

The first two series are set in a town called Stokely where Vlad and Ingrid attend a local school, taking on the last name Count instead of Dracula. With normal students which they call breathers. One of the students at school is a boy called Robin Brenner, he is an outcast because he wants to be a vampire. Robin ends up becoming fast friends with Vlad and works out the family secret immediately. Robin doesn’t understand why Vlad doesn’t want to be a vampire and is there encouraging Vlad along with his younger sister Chloe as Vlad’s vampire powers begin to develop. The rest of the family have no clue that the Dracula family are vampires. Robin and Chloe’s older twin brothers Ian and Paul are trying to vie for Ingrid’s affections. Mr Brenner is wary of the entire family while Mrs Brenner insists that they are normal while a little bit eccentric. In light of the affection that Count Dracula has for her.

The other family that important to the series is the Van Helsing family. The woodwork teacher Mr Van Helsing comes from a long line of vampire hunters and he wants his son Jonathan who’s called Jono for short, to follow in his footsteps. Jonathan is in the same class as Robin and Vlad and is shown to have an interest in Ingrid during the first series. He doesn’t believe the family are vampires. In the second season Jonathan has accepted that the Dracula family are vampires, his crushed on Ingrid’s disappeared. He’s trying to hunt the family while keeping it a secret from his mother who doesn’t believe in vampires and doesn’t want him following in his father’s footsteps.

During the early series we see Count Dracula who is training Vlad to be his heir and the future prince the darkness. While Dracula ignores his daughter Ingrid who’s trying to do everything to show that she should be the heir instead of Vlad who doesn’t have an interest in being the heir. The Dracula the family has a human servant Renfield who wants to be turned into a vampire. He has been loyal to the family his entire life and comes across as dim, he loves disgusting food but is shown to be intelligent when it comes to the potions that he makes throughout the series and his knowledge of vampire illnesses and ailments.

I love the entire Dracula family especially, Ingrid especially was my favourite, she’s the underappreciated older sister who wants to be the heir of the Dracula family and have recognition from her father. She keeps getting pushed aside because she’s a girl something that she doesn’t at all appreciate, and wants to prove that girl can be powerful vampires too. By the series it is shown that Ingrid is the first woman on vampire Council. But that doesn’t mean her trials are over she still underappreciated at Council.

The father is played by Keith-Lee Castle who is someone I always thought fit the role of Dracula perfect. I always believed he would have made a good Snape if the Harry Potter series was cast differently. Don’t get me wrong I love Alan Rickman as well, it’s just that he’s someone else that I thought would fit the role.

Vlad and Ingrid’s mother Magna is a recurring character in the first three series. She comes and goes usually with a plot to take power from the Dracula family. She left the Count, leaving him for a werewolf and Patrick. They together have a son named Wolfie who was born during the second series.

There was a few years break between series two and series three. Which meant the entire cast had aged up. Instead of making the show still aim for the younger audience that it was for originally, they age the show with the characters. The later series is aimed more towards teenagers and takes a darker tone in the early two series. We also no longer have the Brenner family and the story is set in a different location then it was originally. In the first two series Vlad has come into his powers and is learning to control them. In the later series Vlad has fully come into his powers and surpassed his father. That doesn’t mean his training is over. He’s still training and as the chosen one he’s trying to use his influence to create a safer environment for both breathers and vampires.

The later series is set in a private school called Garside Grange which Count Dracula is the owner of. The family live in the attic of school, the only member of the school that we see on a regular basis is Ms McAuley the school principal. Count Dracula is shown to have an interest in her throughout the series. We also get introduced to a new character during season three that I didn’t really like. She’s a slayer whose brother has been turned into a vampire and she’s trying to save her brother by getting close to the family that turned her brother into a vampire in the first place, and a member of the family from the Dracula family who turn her brother is Ingrid. At first Erin disguises herself as a new vampire. Vlad eventually discovers Erin’s secret and slowly falls in love with her and eventually they get together and date throughout the series but it’s full of secrets and Erins side and it doesn’t end up working out and I was very happy when she didn’t return and series five. About the only character I was happy that to see didn’t return series in series five.

We get to see Jonathan Van Helsing again along with his mother who is now the head of the slayers guild. I don’t know how she did it because of such a short amount of time between the series. One member of their family however is missing and that Mr Van Helsing the woodwork teacher. It is said that he was killed between series and was killed by vampires and Jonathan blames Vlad for his father’s death since Vlad wiped his father’s memory and because Mr Van Helsing couldn’t remember about the vampires he was unable to defend himself. And it is something that Jonathan is shown to eventually forgive Vlad for and come to understand why Vlad would wipe the vampires form his father’s memory in the first place, if fact he wiped the vampires from the whole Brenner family memories. But it is not shown how Jonathan and his mother remembered that vampires were real. One thing that disappointed me about the fifth series is that Johnathan isn’t in the fifth series and the only character that didn’t return and the fifth series. Wolfie, Vlad and Ingrid’s younger half vampire half werewolf younger brother had also didn’t return along with Ms McAuley who hasn’t returned since the school has been shut down between series four and five.

The fifth season has a different story line again. Vlad has been shown to be losing his powers that were once more powerful than his fathers. And he learns that this is because his father has not been truthful about his heritage and that Magna isn’t actually his real mother. His real mother is a breather named Sally. Vlad tracks his mother down and invites her to the now-closed school to make an art piece for the vampire hotel that Dracula plans to open on a whim but never actually gets around to. His mother arrives at the school with his younger half-sister Georgina who prefers George. George thinks it’s great having a vampire older brother, while Sally is having a hard time adjusting to the vampires being real and that her son is a vampire and that danger that involves having a vampire in the family. She loves Vlad but she does not want to put George in danger so in the end Sally and George both leave.

One of the things that amused me at the end of the series is Ingrid ends up with a breather but her family seems to forgotten that her first boyfriend was a breather. Cause they are surprised about it when she ends up with one.

I love this series and I’d love to see more of it. If I had my way I’d like to to see two more series. One with the return of Robin and Jonathan and another one set hundreds of years later seeing how Vlad and Ingrid cope being hundreds of years old since was only seen them as teenagers and in their early twenties.

This is a very well done children show one that I believe can be enjoyed by adults especially in the later series which are aimed at that older audience and its proper vampires if you love proper vampires this is a great show to watch.

The Backlog Quest

2019 Goal: Reduce My Entertainment Backlog

I’ve created the youtube channel The Backlog Quest January 2019 as a way to keep myself accountable with actually completing the books, dvds and games that I already own from my backlog. Hence the name of my channel. This video is my very first video on my youtube channel.

My collect has got a bit out of hand over the years as I continued buying more than I ended up watching, reading and playing due to work.

I had planned to release videos once a week from the first week of January 2019 and that didn’t happen. And now in 2020 it still have not happened. Youtube have been a learning curve with building my confidence to speak to the microphone and learning all my software. It had been fun learning how to use everything. My first year sharing my backlog has been fun but also slower progress then I would have liked. Here in 2020 I am hoping to continue making the progress I planned for 2019.