The Backlog Quest

Finishing off my to-do list too late in the day

I stayed up far too late last night after I wrote my blog post, trying to finish off the rest of my list. I had intended for an earlier night tonight, and yet I am still up late trying to finish this blog because I don’t want to fail on my new goal on day two.

After I finished my blog post, I put on the anime Bleach, which was once my favourite of the Big 3 when I started watching anime. That has fallen all the way down the list to the number three spot. At the start of the year, I started watching again from the start and am currently on the Bount Arc, which is all filler. I remembered enjoying this Arc a lot the very first time I watched the show. Uryu was my favourite character when I first watched Bleach, and I remember a lot of the Arc being about him. I am not yet at that point in this watch-through. This time around, I am not enjoying the filler episodes as much and had to take a break before continuing. I was still new to anime back when I watched Bleach for the first time and was a lot more tolerant of the filler episodes because I wanted to consume anything and everything, and it was hard to get a hold of anime. Streaming wasn’t an option, legal streaming sites didn’t exist, and my internet back then had a cap of 10GB per month for what I watched online and downloaded, meaning I was buying everything I watched as it came out on DVD and I had an entire box set of filler, I watched that entire box set of filler.

I only intended to watch one episode but watched multiple as I spent time going through the different craft projects that I have already started to work out what I would complete and have decided on one of the cross stitches that I started a while ago. I always feel like I should make more progress on my craft projects than what I actually manage to get done. I wanted to do more cross stitch today when I was watching but ended up getting phone calls and just couldn’t get myself back to the cross stitch when I got off the phone.

Reading went well last night. I read one chapter of A Dance of Dragons and had a chapter with Daenerys. She is one of the characters despite liking in the TV show, that I have struggled to read in the book. This time was easier to read than the last time she was in the book. It was like coming back to an old friend because she and a lot of the other characters that I love were not in book four. A book I really struggled to get through. I am hoping that book five will be easier to read because it has more POVs from the characters that I always found easy to read. I am not far into the book at the moment. The last thing I do today will be reading another chapter.

Guild Wars 2 playing went well. Did my dailies. Did a couple of achievements that would earn me Mastery points for Season 4 content. Did the daily achievements that I always have to force myself to do because I want to play other areas of the game and make some progress towards completing achievements for Shatterer.

I have written for the third day in a row towards my work-in-progress pile. Writing didn’t go as smoothly for me today. Intended to write at breakfast time, sat at the computer and did nothing but stare at my story. Again at lunchtime, early afternoon, and after dinner was the same. It was only just before bed that I was able to force myself to actually get some words down for the day. Some days are easier than others. I have all the words in my head but sometimes pulling them out of my head and getting them on paper is a struggle.

I need to make sure I come back tomorrow and do more of this blog and continue chipping away at reducing all my different backlogs.